Susan Park
Susan Park is a Town Meeting Member in Town Meeting, a Legislative arm of government in Brookline, MA. She won her May 2022 election for another 3-year term serving her community. She also now serves as the Vice President of the 2022-23 Brookline Town Meeting Member Association. In her spare time, she has launched some children’s books as a former high school English teacher. These include her recently published books: A-Z Devotional for Little Ones and A-Z Family Devotionals. Learn more at susanparkbooks.com.
Susan is also a reporter and contributes to her local paper, the Brookline TAB. Susan wears many hats and is engaged in her community. She was the PTO Chair, a Girls Scout Troop Leader, the Head of the English Department at Hope International School, and an International Baccalaureate Examiner.